File: tests/unit/DAV/Collection.test.ts

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File: tests/unit/DAV/Collection.test.ts
Role: Example script
Content type: text/plain
Description: Example script
Class: JS Webdav Client
Access files of a Webdav server
Author: By
Last change:
Date: 7 months ago
Size: 2,145 bytes


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import Entry from '../../../src/lib/Entry'; import Collection from '../../../src/lib/Collection'; describe('Collection', () => { const directory = { directory: true, fullPath: '/path/to/', modified:, }, file1 = { directory: false, fullPath: '/path/to/file2.txt', modified:, size: 54321, mimeType: 'text/plain', }, entries = [ directory, file1, { directory: false, fullPath: '/path/to/file1.txt', modified:, size: 12345, mimeType: 'text/plain', }, ], collection = new Collection(entries), collectionEntries = => entry); it('should the expected path from the first entry', () => { expect(collection.path()).toBe('/path/to'); }); it('should create a new parent entry from the original first item', () => { expect(collectionEntries[0].fullPath).not.toBe(entries[0].fullPath); }); it('should sort the entries by name', () => { expect(collectionEntries[1].fullPath).toBe(entries[2].fullPath); }); it('should be possible to filter the entries', () => { expect( collection.filter((entry) => === 'file1.txt').length ).toBe(1); }); it('should be possible to add a new Entry', () => { collection.add( new Entry({ ...file1, fullPath: '/path/to/file3.txt', }) ); expect( collection.filter((entry) => === 'file3.txt').length ).toBe(1); }); it('should be sort the entries alphabetically after adding a new Entry', () => { collection.add( new Entry({ ...file1, fullPath: '/path/to/file0.txt', }) ); collection.forEach((entry, i) => { if ( === 'file0.txt') { expect(i).toBe(1); } }); }); it('should be possible to remove an Entry', () => { const [file0] = collection.filter((entry) => === 'file0.txt'); collection.remove(file0); expect( collection.filter((entry) => === 'file0.txt').length ).toBe(0); }); });